This week, please join us for great conversations with the following guests: Karen Dumas, Images & Ideas, Inc. and host, The Pulse Khalil Rahal, Director, Economic Development, Wayne County & Wendy Thomas, Interim Region Director, MSBDC, SE Michigan Candace Cox-Wemberly, Author & CEO, I Am a Genius Paul Wasserman, Owner, Henry the Hatter
Building a Business Legacy
According to a SBA report, about two-thirds of small businesses (with employees) will survive two years. After five years, business survivability drops to nearly half. In Detroit, it seems new businesses are popping up weekly and the challenge centers around business growth and sustainability. Simply put, how does a new or existing business achieve longevity?…
Small Talk with Mark S. Lee – July 23, 2017
This week, please join us as we discuss a variety of topics with the following guests: Ken Coleman, Author & Detroit Historian Karen Friedman, Executive Communications Coach & Author John Blattner, Attorney, Dickinson Wright Matt O’Bryan, President & CEO, KLA Laboratories And special guest, high school Senior, Riley Wolcott
Small Talk with Mark S. Lee – July 16, 2017
This week, sit back and join us as we discuss various topics affecting your business with the following guests: Michelle Gilbert, NAMIC Detroit Chapter Dr. Stanley Jensen, President, Henry Ford College Ted Serbinski, Managing Director, Techstars Mobility Regine Beauboeuf, FTCH
Small Talk with Mark S. Lee – July 9, 2017
This week, just sit back and enjoy a relaxing, mid-summer day, with the following guests: Alison Vaughn, Entrepreneur & Author Reverend Barry Randolph, Church of the Messiah Lily Hamburger, DEGC Jennifer Olmstead, Ann Arbor Spark & Mark Maynard, Landline Creative
A Detroit ’67 Perspective
“Don’t even think about leaving the front of this house…” As a youngster, my mom spoke those words to my brothers and me as a significant event in Detroit’s history was unfolding and in my opinion, forever changed the direction of this city. Detroit, July, 1967. Those words conjure up many memories for those who…
Downtown Detroit Business Progress & Challenges
With a resurgent downtown, investment opportunities and small business programs gaining more traction, Detroit is attracting start-ups locally, nationally and internationally. However, more established businesses, particularly those renting space, are feeling the pinch. According to the 2012 U.S. Census data, Detroit is home to more than 62,000 small businesses, making it the fourth-largest city in…
Small Talk with Mark S. Lee – July 2, 2017
This week, join us as we talk with the following guests about business topics relevant to you over a “nice, hot cup of coffee”: Blaire Miller, Co-owner & Partner, The Hunter Group Vickie Thomas, WWJ Newsradio 950 & Sarah Glover, President, NABJ & Sheila Neal, Detroit Convention & Visitors Bureau John Van Camp, President &…